Along my journey, I have come across many good books, articles, apps and websites that have helped me grow as a Christian and as a person.
Books: I have been amazed that books I bought years ago are still very pertinent to me today. Things I underlined still bless me. I’m very thankful for a good library of books that provide me with wisdom and knowledge.
I do love e-books as well. There are some great places for e-books at a discount or even free. My Kindle is loaded! However, if I really love the book, I usually go ahead a purchase a hard copy. I love to underline and make notes for quicker reference.
Magazines: These magazines/devotionals are what I am currently receiving. Both are “free” but would suggest a donation to their ministries. I am not going to debate about every single part of these ministries. I just know that I have found all the material to be sound doctrinally and always uplifting, challenging and Biblical.
Websites and Blogs: There are literally thousands of sites and blogs. Here are a few that I keep coming back to that help me on my journey right now.
Apps: These are a few apps that benefit me the most. I’m trying to keep things simple on my phone!